The 5 Best Workouts That Pull Double Duty

Why do an exercise that focuses on just one muscle group when you can perform movements that hit two or more? Why stick with just strength training when you can throw in some endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular training?

As busy professionals, it’s tough to find time to fit in a full-length workout. Thankfully, with the movements we’ve compiled below, you may not have to. These exercises hit multiple muscle groups at once, giving you a much better workout with far fewer exercises.

Step Up Squats

Hit your entire lower body with one simple movement! Perform a regular squat (weighted or using just your body weight), then step up onto a box or platform. Add in a front kick or bring your knee to your chest to give your core a workout, then step back down and into your squat. Repeat this 10 times per leg for a total of 20 reps.

Push-Up Spiders

Mix a killer core workout into your push-ups with this abs-blasting movement! Start in your regular push-up position, and do a push-up normally. However, before moving on to the next push-up rep, bring your right knee to your chest and touch your right foot with your right hand. Return your hands and feet to their normal position, do a push-up, then repeat on with the left leg and hand. 10 reps per side will be enough to make you feel the burn like a boss!

Push-Up Side Plank

This is another great exercise to make your push-ups do double duty. Do a push-up, then twist into Side Plank and hold it for 3-5 seconds. Come back to regular Plank, do another push-up, then twist into Side Plank on the other side for another 3-5 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times per side for a killer core and upper body workout.


This is the perfect movement for those who want to one day take up surfing, and it’s a great full-body exercise. Start lying on your face on the floor, and place your palms on the ground as if you’re going to do a push-up. In one smooth motion, push your body off the ground, jump to your feet, and turn to the side as if you were riding a surfboard. Repeat this 5-10 times per side (right foot forward, then left foot forward) for a wicked full-body workout.

Burpee Box Jumps

Not for the faint of heart! Stand in front of your box (or elevated platform), then perform a burpee: squat, jump your feet back to Plank, do a push-up, jump your feet up to your hands, and straighten. Instead of simply jumping into the air, leap up onto your box. As you jump down from the box, drop into another burpee, and repeat until exhausted.

These exercises will hit multiple muscle groups at once, giving you a far more effective workout with far fewer repetitions and sets. You’ll feel the burn but in half the time!


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