5 Inner Thighs Workouts You Should Be Doing

Working your inner thighs can help to build muscle, strengthen your lower body, enhance hip flexibility, and promote better posture. You’ll also find that stronger inner thigh muscles can do wonders to improve the—ahem—bedroom-related parts of your relationship. Here are a few of the best inner thighs workouts to help you develop strong, toned leg muscles.

Cossack Squat

Not only does this work your inner thighs, it also helps to strengthen the leg abductor and adductor muscles along with your glutes and quads.

Start with your feet spread wide and your back straight. Bend your right knee and move your body to the right until you are in a deep squat over your right leg, all while keeping your left leg straight. Keep your back straight and head up, and extend your arms to maintain your balance. Hold the squat for a 1-count, then come back up to your original position. Squat to the left, and repeat 10 times per side.

Gate Swings

Stand with your hands clasped behind your head and your weight resting on your right leg. Bend your left knee and lift it above waist level, then hold it there as you swing your left foot back and forth across your body. Use your core to maintain your balance as you swing your foot around. Repeat 10 times with your left leg, then again 10 more with the right leg.

CrissCross Jumping Jacks

This simple variation on jumping jacks will place more emphasis on your inner thighs, all while giving your whole body a great cardiovascular workout!

Perform the first half of a regular Jumping Jack by jumping your feet wide and swinging your arms over your head. However, instead of jumping your feet together, scissor your legs to cross your right foot over your left foot. At the same time, cross your arms over your chest. Jump back out to the wide stance, then scissor your left foot across your right foot. Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

Side Lunge with Sweep

This movement combines a side lunge with a leg lift (sweep) that will engage the inner thighs even more effectively!

Stand with your feet together and your back straight. Step to the right, bend your right knee and drop into a side lunge. When you stand back up, sweep your right leg out and across until it’s in front of your left leg, then sweep it back to its original position. Repeat 10 times with your right leg, then repeat with the left leg.

Inner Thigh Lift

Lie on your left side, leaning on your left elbow for support and with your left leg extended fully. Bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on your left inner thigh. Use your inner thigh muscles to lift your straight left leg as high as you can, then lower until the leg is nearly touching the floor. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides for another set of 10 reps.

Simple movements, but boy can they have an amazing effect on the strength of your inner thighs!


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